Monday, November 15, 2010


I got one copy of Meskka back from a reviewer.

There's a reason all the writing websites and books say to have someone else look at your writing when you think you're done.

My word count is now about doubled, and about 4 hours worth of dancing have been removed. :)

(That is, if you count missing "a"'s as words. And apparently I can't spell "minutes")

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

First, if you haven't voted yet, please go do so now. It might be a little late to say this, but also make sure you know who you're voting for, and why.

As for my writing, yes, I'm still at it, just not much to report lately. Meskka is still being reviewed, and when I get it back I'll revise it once more, then it will be off to submission!

I'm also still working on A Wizard of Aarde, it's still in the very early first draft stage. I'll post more on then when there's more to say.